
ECO Anniversary Party

  • Categories : Company News
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  • Time of issue : 2020-05-15 14:46

ECO Anniversary Party

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-05-15 14:46
  • Views:0

  As the Year of the Pig passed by, the Year of the Rat has dawned. On the threshold of a new decade, here comes 2020 fills with aspirations and hope. In this festive season, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited had held the 2020 annual dinner to celebrate the new era, a gala joined by all staffs at the ECO HK Headquarter. Looking back at what the company had achieved in 2019, Mr. Alfred Chan Wing-kin, the Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited wishes continued success in the coming year. Apart from the new year gala held by HK Headquarter on the 14 Dec 2019, the Inner Mongolia ECO Coal Chemical Technology Company Limited and Shanxi ECO Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd. also organized joyful annual party on the 3 Jan 2020, participated by more than 500 staffs from the office in the Inner Mongolia; ECO Xi’an arranged similar activities for everyone to gather and celebrate the special occasion on 6 Jan 2020. ECO Shenzhen office had gathered for an annual dinner on 7 Jan 2020, with excited colleagues rejoiced happily after winning the lucky draw. On 10 Jan 2020, ECO Biochemical Technology (Zhangjiagang) Company Limited held annual gala with a theme of aspirations and ambition, all the colleagues had enjoyed the warm and sweet moment. On 16 Jan 2020, ECO Jiaxianggang had also organized annual dinner with the theme of bracing up in adversity, a cheery opportunity for all staffs to embrace the new year.

  All the annual dinners held by the ECO have not only provided intimate opportunities for the colleagues to bond and interact, but also allowing them to shine on the grandstand with their true self. All the ECO staffs were grinning on the gala, affirmation for their hard work throughout the year, as if they all have sighted the rainbow after all the rainstorm. The past year had been splendid, and the new year will be wondrous as ever. We are more united than ever, determined to make glorious progress in sustainable energy development in 2020. May the new year be auspicious to all the ECO colleagues, a charm to bring satisfaction and prosperity!

  Management toasting on the Hong Kong Annual Dinner

  Prize winner of ECO Shenzhen office celebrating together

  ECO Inner Mongolia staff receiving prizes on stage

  Entertainments performed by ECO Inner Mongolia staff on stage

  COO of the New Energy Business, Mr. Philip Siu (third right) with the performers of ECO Biochemical Technology (Zhangjiagang) Company Limited

  Group photo of Shanxi ECO staffs

  Executive Vice president of ECO, Mr. Dannis Poon (second left) presented the Compassion Award to General Manager of ECO Jiaxiangjang Mr. Mark Mak (first left)

  Mr. Ray Fung (sixth left) gathered together with colleagues of the Xi’an office.
