
ECO participating in 2019 (22nd) China International Gas, Heating Technology and Equipment Exhibition held in Nanjing

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  • Time of issue : 2020-04-17 17:25

ECO participating in 2019 (22nd) China International Gas, Heating Technology and Equipment Exhibition held in Nanjing

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-17 17:25
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  ECO and other affiliates of the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited had participated in 2019 (22nd) China International Gas, Heating Technology and Equipment Exhibition held by the China Gas Association during 30 October – 1 November 2019. The exhibition took place in Nanjing International Exhibition Center. This remarkable annual event has boosted ECO’s reputation, competitiveness as well as its influence in the energy industry.

  To promote ECO’s sustainable energy business development, there were presentations demonstrating the business development in both Hong Kong and Mainland, along with carbon material samples exhibited to the guests, increasing their awareness in ECO’s specialty. ECO is committed to the new energy development, bringing exceptional advancement in the green technology.


Carbon material samples showcase in EXPO.  /  Exhibitor patiently explains ECO’s business development to the EXPO guest.
