
Zhangjiagang R&D Center Launches Chemical Industry Fire Safety Training and Drills

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  • Time of issue : 2021-12-13 09:22

Zhangjiagang R&D Center Launches Chemical Industry Fire Safety Training and Drills

  • Categories:News
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  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-12-13 09:22
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On September 24, 2021, ECO’s Zhangjiagang R&D Center launched a fire safety training and drill of the chemical industry, in order to strengthen the company's fire safety management, improve staff’s awareness and knowledge on fire safety, and develop their ability of fire prevention, fire-fighting and self-rescue.


The R&D center conducted specialized training on fire prevention, early-stage fire suppression, inspection and maintenance of fire-fighting facilities, the requirements for using the eyewash unit and sprinkler system, etc., and reiterated emergency evacuation routes and emergency contact numbers, focusing on improving the staff’s escape and self-rescue abilities. The training was followed by a demonstration of how to use fire extinguishers and drills to enable the employees to master the operations of the fire suppression equipment.


Fire safety training

at ECO’s Zhangjiagang R&D Center


During the drill, an incipient fire was set on near the chemical warehouse, and was controlled and successfully extinguished collaboratively by each group of staff with the fire-fighting facilities in the laboratory. Besides, the staff were also drilled to use the eyewash facilities and sprinklers in the case toxic and hazardous substances caused body, face and eye splash or the clothes were ignited by fire. Being tense but organized, the drill achieved the expected outcome.


Trainer demonstrating how to use an extinguisher


Through this drill, staff of the ECO Zhangjiagang R&D Center further raised their safety awareness and improved the ability to respond to emergencies and self-rescue. In the end, the event culminated in an in-depth exchange of ideas and understandings of workplace fire safety management as well as the problems and difficulties in daily-life fire prevention.
